RIMSE runs with the nominal retreat fees generated from 1-day and residential workshops conducted for high school and college students, teachers, government and company employees and the general public. A majority of the workshops are conducted for school and college students and teachers. Though most of the students and teachers are unable to pay the full retreat fee, RIMSE continues to conduct workshops for them, because our nation is being shaped in our classrooms.
Furthermore, now in its 50th year, RIMSE building requires a number of repairs and renovation works.
We request devotees, RIMSE ex-students and the general public to generously support the following projects:
Sponsor 50 students
RIMSE regularly conducts 1-day / Residential Workshops for high school and college students.
Most of students are unable to pay the 1-day student retreat fee of Rs.300/- or the 2/3 days residential retreat fee of Rs 600/day
Please sponsor 50 students for a 1-day or 2/3 days residential retreats and help more students to benefit from the man-making and nation-building workshops conducted at RIMSE.
Sponsor 50 teachers
RIMSE conducts 1-day / Residential Workshops for private school teachers.
Many private school teachers from semi-urban and rural regions are unable to pay the 1-day retreat fee of Rs.500/- or the residential retreat fee of Rs.750/ day.
Please sponsor 50 teachers for a 1-day or 2/3 days residential retreats and enable more teachers to become great teachers.
Support infrastructure maintenance.
Most of the workshops are conducted in RIMSE Auditorium. This auditorium which can accommodate around 200 people, needs new fixed chairs, acoustics, air-conditioning, and masonry repairs.
This project will cost approximately Rs.30 lakhs. Please contribute towards this project and help the workshop participants to have a quality workshop experience.